Caleb Keene

Director of Communications and Marketing at camp SYCHAR

For 21 years, my summers have all been spent at one place. This place and my time there would always be my highlight and what I told my friends I did over the summer. All year long I'd be looking forward to getting to go back, and I would sieze every opportunity I had to get with my friends from there. This place has changed my life and the lives of my entire family, it's been my home away from home, my safe place, my favorite place.

This place is Camp Sychar. A non-denominational, holiness, family camp meeting, located in Mt. Vernon, OH, that has been around since 1870. Since 1926, members of my family have been attending Camp Sychar; every single year, for almost 100 years someone with the last name "Keene" has attended camp meeting. What started out as a simple "yes" to a seemingly small thing, a visit to a neighbor's church camp, by my great grandmother, Ruth Keene, has changed the trajectory of four generations of my family.

The same altars that my great grandmother knelt at have welcomed my grandfather, Tom, and his brothers, my grandmother, Sheri after her wedding, my dad, Blaine, and his siblings, and now myself and my siblings. The picnic tables that my dad flirted with my mom on and formed life long friendships with my uncles around, are the same tables that I gather at with my friends, my cousins, and my siblings. It was in this place that my grandpa felt called to ministry and his brothers with him, where my dad, his siblings and cousins also felt similar calls, and where, today, myself and my cousins are answering the same call.

Today, 153 years after it's inception, Camp Sychar continues to minister to all ages, welcoming those from all over the world to Mt. Vernon each summer to worship the holy, holy, holy name of Jesus Christ.

And now, I have the amazing opportunity and blessing to come alongside the Camp Sychar Board and serve in my new position as Director of Communications and Marketing. In this position I will be coordinating the social media presence, website upgrades, year round communication, advertising, merchandising and additional ministry to the Camp Sychar family and surrounding community. I'm hopeful that through this position I can help the Board raise more funds for the general budget, and invite more students and families to the grounds each summer to encounter Jesus.

As we adventure into the unknown and explore this new way of doing ministry through Camp Sychar, we're trying to limit the amount of excess work and risk for the Board, and share the ministry of Camp Sychar with new families. I would like to invite you to partner with me in ministry as I step into this role and ask you to prayerfully consider giving towards my support fund.